by Robin Moloney | Aug 6, 2024 | Childhood Education, Fun With Programs, Immersion Learning, Spanish Schoolhouse
A new school year is here, and if you are new to Spanish Schoolhouse and language immersion, you may have a few (or many!) questions about your little one’s upcoming preschool year. Below is a top 5 list of frequently asked questions to help you! My Child Doesn’t...
by Michelle Gorman | Apr 5, 2023 | Fun With Programs, Latin Culture, Spanish Schoolhouse
Spring is in the air, and that means it’s time for fiestas! A fun part of many Latino celebrations is the tradition of making and cracking cascarones. The word cascarón comes from the Spanish word for shell, cáscara. Cascarones are...
by Michelle Gorman | Jan 19, 2023 | Spanish Schoolhouse
At Spanish Schoolhouse, we’re driven by a mission we’re all proud of! We work hard to make sure our students have the best preparation for future learning. Every school day is filled with engaging experiences that inspire an appreciation for world languages and...
by Michelle Gorman | Dec 21, 2022 | Spanish Schoolhouse
With the release of our latest book in Spanish Schoolhouse’s series, Las Aventuras de Periquito Azul, we have a perfect opportunity to dive into the benefits of reading with your child and see how bilingual books can enhance your child’s learning even more! ...
by Robin Moloney | Apr 29, 2020 | Childhood Education, Immersion Learning, Latin Culture, Locations, Spanish Schoolhouse
Creative. Affectionate. Patient. Fun. These are just a few words one staff member used recently to describe the director of Spanish Schoolhouse Sugar Land, Adriana Castaño. It’s no wonder that the Sugar Land preschool has flourished under her leadership! The love and...