Mary Tirado, director of Spanish Schoolhouse Creekside (near Tomball/The Woodlands) leads by example! The teachers she works with overflow with compliments when asked to describe her: caring and compassionate, thoughtful, responsible, inspiring, has a heart for children, upbeat, supportive, and a strong leader. She loves her job and brings her positive attitude and joy to her work every day! We chatted with Mary recently about her upbringing in Venezuela, her love of educating children, and her dedication to the next generation of bilinguals.
Memories of Maracaibo
Mary was born and raised in Maracaibo, Venezuela’s second-largest city. She loves the natural beauty of Venezuela’s deserts, beaches, mountains, savannah, and waterfalls (including Angel Falls/Salto Ángel, the world’s tallest uninterrupted waterfall). She says it’s a “warm and happy place, where people treat strangers like family.” Kind of reminds us of Spanish Schoolhouse, right?!

Many Europeans moved to Venezuela after WW2, including Mary’s Italian grandmother. Her mother’s family is native to Venezuela. Her parents had five children, and Mary is the youngest. Their large and busy family was strongly focused on education. At one point, Mary was enrolled in two different universities! She earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration.
Family was at the forefront of everything, especially around the holidays. Mary has fond memories of the special Maracaibo festival of La Chinita (the Virgin Mary) which kicks off the Christmas holiday season in November. Streets are closed for parties, performances, and cultural events. For Mary’s family, it meant attending mass together, then cooking a huge family meal together, including the traditional dish of hallacas. “We could only have them at Christmas time,” recalls Mary, “so that made them more special.” Hallacas are similar to tamales but have stewed meat filling in corn dough, along with raisins, capers, and olives, all tied in plantain leaves and boiled.
On New Year’s Eve, their traditions included eating 12 grapes at midnight – making a wish for each grape, and wearing a yellow ribbon tied to their wrists to symbolize their wishes coming true in the new year. Fireworks, hugs, and well wishes all around at midnight made it a great way to start fresh in a new year!

Transplanted Dreams
After marrying her husband, David, and adding three children to the mix, Mary’s young family made the difficult decision to move to the U.S. in 2015. Her brother had already relocated to Houston, and they wanted to give their children every opportunity to pursue their dreams.

“Even though I studied English, it was never in my plans to move to the U.S.,” says Mary, “but I haven’t regretted it!” She and her husband started a business in the Houston area, but Mary soon was introduced by a friend to Spanish Schoolhouse. She had long loved working with children. As a teen, she worked in summer camps and taught flamenco dance to little ones in Venezuela. Mary decided to give teaching a try, eager to share her language and culture with her students.
In 2016, she joined SSH at the former Woodlands location, teaching the 2-year-old class. She loved building connections with the children and parents. She later moved to Spanish Schoolhouse Creekside when it opened and taught both 3 and 4-year-olds before moving to an administrative role as director of summer camp in 2020. “During the pandemic, it was so challenging,” she recalls. But Mary rose to the challenge, and soon realized that she enjoyed the leadership role. When the school director position became available, Mary happily accepted the next step in her career.
Creating a Home Away from Home
As the leader of the school, one of the things that gives Mary the most pleasure is being able to provide fulfilling opportunities for others who have moved to the U.S. from Latin countries. She prides herself on hiring staff who are deeply invested in teaching young children and then helping them develop into the best educators they can be.

“I try to provide support and motivation every day. Recognizing the efforts of my team, showing gratitude, and celebrating them are just a few of the ways I can make them feel valued.”
Mary Tirado
Her other top priority as the Spanish Schoolhouse Creekside director is creating a loving and safe learning environment for the students and their families. “You never really understand the way that you can impact someone and make a difference in their lives.” It’s a privilege she treasures.
Don’t Be Afraid to Have Fun!
Mary brings 100% to work, which is a great attitude we can all aspire to. We are, after all, working with children, and who knows better how to smile, laugh, and enjoy life than kids?! Mary shared a funny story about a time when she gave her all, and then got to improvise and give a little more!

“I was pretty new to Spanish Schoolhouse and was willing to do anything that needed to be done. We were doing a play for the kids, and we dressed up as the three little pigs. We built three houses as props. I studied my lines like an actress. It was so much fun, and the kids loved it. But at the end, one of the teachers who knew I studied flamenco said, ‘This little pig is going to dance flamenco.’ And there I was in my pig costume – not the way I normally dress for flamenco! But I thought, why not? So, I did it! I even have photos to share – me with my castañuelas (castanets) – the dancing pig!”
Sharing the Love at Spanish Schoolhouse Creekside
We love how Mary gives her all, whether it’s dressing up and dancing, greeting her students with a smile every day, or building her amazing team. We’re grateful to have her as a part of the Spanish Schoolhouse family. SSH Creekside parents, comment below if you have a special memory of Mary or just want to give her a shout-out!

For sure you have the best leader in the school. She has the capacity, knowledge, courage and the honestly necessary to develop all the educational projects that the children needs from now to the future. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Mary, I’m so proud of you.
Que orgullo ser parte de SSH y contar con Mary tirado como nuestra lider y amiga, siempre dispuesta ayudar y tender su mano para todo el que lo necesite, un ejemplo de fortaleza, entrega y compromiso diario, somos afortunados de tenerla GRACIAS… felicidades 🥳
Cada esfuerzo, cada prueba trae su recompensa , y tú eres ese vivo ejemplo amiga de mi ❤️porque se lo que te has esforzado y tú valentía es de admirar …. Te llevaré siempre en mi ❤️gracias
One compassionate,hardworking and capable woman! I’ve seen how she interacts with the children and their parents and it’s an absolute joy to see that! The love and care that Mary shows in every day tasks at school is something that have created a loving and nurturing environment for everyone.
Mary Muchas Felicidades! Eres una lider que nos apoya y nos escucha…das siempre lo mejor de ti con mucho compromiso y dedicación…que disfrutes al máximo éste merecido reconocimiento…estoy segura que tu familia tambien está feliz y disfrutan contigo éste lindo momento! Estoy segura que marcas en cada una de nosotras grandes huellas 👣 positivas!! Yupiiiiii..!!!
Her story is an excellent example of perseverance, effort, and dedication! She is a great leader, she listens and works to respond to the needs of the students and employees. Congratulations on this recognition!
“Mrs. Mery, ¡muchas gracias! Gracias por ser, hacer e inspirar diariamente a cada niño, padre y profesor con su sonrisa y su “sí se puede”. Crear un espacio en el que todos estamos felices, aprendiendo y recibiendo lo que hemos venido a buscar en la familia SSH.”
Querida Mary, estos años juntas han sido de gran crecimiento para mi, y muy especialmente por ti, eres una gran líder y compañera, eres inteligente, empatica y siempre tienes una solución magnífica para cada problema. Tu buen humor y tu manera siempre positiva de ver las cosas hacen que cada día sea un placer ir a trabajar y dar lo mejor. Siempre encuentras la manera de hacer felices a todos, alumnos, padres y maestras. El corporativo tiene en tí un gran tesoro! Gracias por ser tan especial, felicidades y que sigas cosechando triunfos!
Mary! What a gift you have been to our whole family. From being an amazing, loving and patient teacher to Matthew in 2019, to leading the school during the uncertainty of the pandemic. You have truly been a blessing. We are sad that this is our last year at SSH and will miss you!
Ha sido un placer y un súper honor verte crecer como líder. Este
Blog es el reflejo de tu trabajo como directora y de tu compromiso con las familias, los niños y tu equipo.
Sigamos celebrando cada uno de tus éxitos. Gracias por ser un verdadero ejemplo de lo que es Spanish Schoolhouse.
Mary querida, eres una gran líder, se han superado
muchos retos con éxito y eso no lo hace cualquiera,
Solo alguien que ama lo que hace lo logra,
Tanto niños como las maestras
te queremos . Gracias por ser una excelente persona
y una excelente directora ❤️
Querida hermana, felicitaciones, eres un gran ejemplo de mujer, de excelencia, y como profesional, inteligente, luchadora, valiosa, una gran madre, estoy muy orgullosa de ti y de tus grandes avances y logros, te lo has ganado con tu dedicación, esfuerzo y disciplina, has demostrado ser una gran líder, y los niños y sus padres deben estar también muy contentos y felices de tenerte allí como la directora, siempre pendiente de cada detalle, te mereces lo mejor del mundo, muchos éxitos!!
Mary, muchas felicidades. No hay duda que eres una persona especial y luchadora. Tienes un equipo que te adora y apoya.
Me encantó leer sobre tu familia en Venezuela y tu familia inmediata aquí en Houston.
Se te quiere mucho y te deseo muchos éxitos más y más bendiciones en tu futuro.
Muchas felicidades Mary por todos tus logros y metas alcazadas. Todo esfuerzo merece su recompensa. Gracias por ser tan generosa y dulce. Gracias por aceptar a mi Kailani y quererla y ayudarla en su proceso de aprendizaje. Gracias por formar parte de nuestras vidas. Que Dios te bendiga y te ilumine siempre. Mucho éxito.
This is year 3 working with Mary…and every single year has been joyful and successful because of her positive and professional attitude. She makes sure I have everything I need to give students an exceptional kindergarten education. She is one of the best supervisors I have worked with.. As a senior teacher I can give Mary many heartfelt compliments and I do that with no reservations whatsoever.Thank you, Mary for being the best of the best and sharing your beautiful caring heart with all your staff and students!!
Mary, tenerte en el equipo ha sido un privilegio. Todos estos años de trabajo, aprendizaje y perseverancia han tenido los mejores resultados para la vida de niños, padres maestras y compañeras de trabajo. Sigue adelante con tus ideas, creatividad, honestidad y promoviendo siempre un ambiente lindo para todos. Tengo el placer de compartir contigo un ambiente de trabajo y un equipo excepcional. Me encanta verte brillar y ver el reconocimiento más que merecido que te han hecho. ¡Felicidades!
Mary has shown that she instills great values and work ethic in her employees. It is obvious that her staff enjoys her guidance and leadership. With her commitment to her team and the families, she is able to create an environment that generates warmth, love, and respect. Mary is an example of excellent leadership! Bravo Mary!
Mary me llena de tanto orgullo leer este articulo tan bonito e inspirador acerca de tu trayectoria y de todo el trabajo que con tanto amor haces.
FELICIDADES!!! te mereces todo esto y mucho mas porque siempre entregas lo mejor de ti con profesionalismo, entusiasmo, respeto y muuucha responsabilidad.
Eres un ejemplo a seguir como Profesional, Mama, Hija, Hermana, Esposa y Amiga… mi amiga desde hace mas de 35 anos.
Sabes que te quiero mucho y se me hincha el corazon de verte Feliz con un trabajo que tanto te apasiona y en el cual aprendes de cada reto dia a dia.
Que sigan los EXITOS!